
Project: Sainsbury’s Edgware Refrigeration Replacement Scheme

Replacement of all refrigeration plant, cabinets and coldstores with a new CO2 system, reducing green house gas emissions by 100%, whilst the installation of heat reclaim plant and energy monitoring meters have significantly improved the energy efficiency of the store.

Role: Principal Contractor

Project Works:

  • New Refrigeration Heat Reclaim, providing both heating / cooling and pre-heat hot water
  • New LPHW and CWS throughout linking new refrigeration plant to new RIHC plant room
  • New BMS panel & system throughout
  • Re-alignment fixtures throughout sales area with new, inc decorations, signage, flooring works and ceiling spray
  • Full Sales Area Ductwork reconfiguration to facilitate cold air retrieval / cooling

Duration: 14 weeks

Fit Out UK Sainsbury's Edgware
Fit Out UK Sainsbury's Edgware
Fit Out UK Sainsbury's Edgware

Head Office

27 Abbey Road
Park Royal,
London NW10 7SJ

Regional Office

Shepcote House
Shepcote Lane
Sheffield S9 1UW

+44 (0)20 8963 6900